Monday, June 15, 2009

How I spent my layoff - blogging

Hello Blogosphere.

This is my first official blog post.

Since I was recently laid-off from the job I didn't like anyway, I've decided to accept government assistance and spend my summer partly outdoors and partly in front of my computer experimenting with blogs. 

I'm about 2 weeks into my layoff and so far have done some amazing hiking and exploring along with a bunch of bike rides. Good times. I will be posting some blogs about those adventures soon.

But mostly, I plan on using this blog to share some humorous writings I've been doing for the past couple of years. I absolutely love The Onion and have borrowed their style. I immensely enjoy writing the articles. Some seem to even indicate that one might make money with a popular blog. We'll see...

My first 'faux' Onion article blog will be going up as soon as I finish this post. 

I hope you all enjoy. And comment with abandon. 


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